About Us

Musclegeek is the intersection of GEEK culture and FITNESS. We know fun at MuscleGeek and it’s our goal to bring that fun to everything you do, especially keeping fit. Whether that’s running like the Flash, lifting like the Hulk, or swimming like Aquaman, you need the gear that keeps you motivated while expressing who you are.


We aim to provide great content and products about the characters and stories we all LOVE. MuscleGeek is a love of comic books, anime, movies, and video games merged with the love of weightlifting, bodybuilding, CrossFitting, running, and swimming.


We hope you enjoy what we have to provide and that MuscleGeek will enrich your geekiness and your fitness simultaneously. If you have any suggestions for us, please contact us! We are always striving for improvement and we want to incorporate any amazing ideas you may have.


Thank you! Stay geeky my friends